Shipping throughout Russia and to other countries

Samplers are devices for manual and automatic sampling from pipelines at an operating pressure from 0.2 to 6.3 MPa. The diameter of the bypass line is 50 mm. They are used in determining the properties and quality of transported oil and petroleum products.


Slit intakes are devices for sampling oil and petroleum products from pipelines with a nominal diameter from 40 to 1200 mm and a pressure from 0.2 to 6.3 MPa. The devices allow you not to change the pressure and gas saturation at the sampling point.

Models: DN40, DN65, DN80, DN100, DN200, DN250, DN350, DN400, DN500, DN600, DN700, DN800, DN1000, DN1200

The automatic sampler Proba-M is designed for sampling commercial oil transported through pipelines according to a given program at an operating pressure of 0.2 to 6.3 MPa.
Conditional passage: DN40, DN50, DN65, DN80, DN100, DN150, DN200, DN250, DN300, DN350, DN400, DN500, DN600, DN700, DN800, DN1000, DN1200.

All NPP BZNGA products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant NPP BZNGA: flow mixers, samplers, magnetoinduction sensors, oil filters, unified repair kits
  • Oil samplers NPP BZNGA
    Oil samplers
  • Counters, flow converters NPP BZNGA
    Counters, flow converters
    MIG-32, NORD-M-100, etc.
  • Flow Mixers NPP BZNGA
    Flow Mixers
    WHIRLWIND , etc .
  • Mesh filters NPP BZNGA
    Mesh filters
    MIG-Fn, MIG-FBn, etc.
  • Magnetoinduction sensors NPP BZNGA
    Magnetoinduction sensors
    NORD-I2D-U02, etc.
  • Universal repair kits NPP BZNGA
    Universal repair kits
    URK MIG, URK NORD-M, etc.


Bugulma Plant of Oil and Gas Automatics (NPP BZNGA, Bugulma) specializes in the production of devices and equipment for the oil and gas, energy and other industries. The company has extensive experience in the oil market and is a supplier to the largest companies in the oil and gas industry.
  • accuracy

    The high accuracy class of the products is ensured by the use of modern CNC equipment and the professionalism of the staff.
  • quality

    The use of machine tools, milling and turning tools of leading foreign companies guarantees high quality of products.
  • application

    The manufactured equipment is used in the gas, oil refining, paint and varnish, chemical industries and in environmental laboratories.

Information Board NPP BZNGA

Learn more about our products NPP BZNGA.
  • Price list for products of the plant NPP BZNGA
    Price list for products
  • Questionnaire for samplers производства НПП БЗНГА
    Questionnaire for samplers
  • Questionnaire for flow meters производства НПП БЗНГА
    Questionnaire for flow meters
  • Questionnaire for flow mixers от производителя НПП БЗНГА
    Questionnaire for flow mixers
  • Questionnaire for filters завода НПП БЗНГА
    Questionnaire for filters


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